Student Resources

Congratulations on taking the next step in your academic career! The College of Graduate Studies at ºÚÁÏÉç is here to support you throughout your journey. This page is your one-stop shop for everything you need to thrive as a graduate student, from academic resources and program information to helpful services and important policies.

Whether you’re a new student navigating orientation or a seasoned researcher seeking thesis help, we’ve got you covered. We understand that being a successful graduate student requires dedication, so we’ve compiled essential resources to keep you on track and informed.

Getting Started

Graduate Eagle Experience


Being a graduate student involves more than completing coursework and other requirements.  Becoming a graduate student involves dedication and adherence to policies required by ºÚÁÏÉç, the College of Graduate Studies and the graduate program in which the student matriculates. All graduate students must acknowledge the following Accountability Standards:

Self-Directedness: In order to be a successful graduate student and future professional, you must embrace and develop self-directedness. Taking primary responsibility and ownership for your learning and development fosters a graduate experience that is engaging and prepares you for success. As a member of the ºÚÁÏÉç Graduate Community, you will find that some of your most valued learning experiences involve self-directed projects and peer/professional networking and collaborations.

Deadlines: It is your responsibility alone to make yourself aware of your program requirements, requirements of the College of Graduate Studies and ºÚÁÏÉç. Compliance with all requirements and all deadlines is expected. University-wide deadlines are posted in the academic calendar and the campus calendar. Program-specific deadlines are the purview of the graduate program in which you are enrolled and your Program Director/Coordinator can advise you of these deadlines and program milestones.

Communication: Your student email account is the OFFICIAL means of communication from the University and the College of Graduate Studies. These messages are important and may range from direct requests for information to courtesy reminders of approaching deadlines. You are expected to read these emails and to take appropriate action, as applicable.

Graduate Catalog: The University’s Graduate Catalog is the primary source of information related to program requirements, your Program of Study, and all other policies and process related to graduate education at ºÚÁÏÉç. All graduate students will be held to the standards and policies presented in the Graduate Catalog and unfamiliarity with these policies and processes is not grounds for appeal.

Program Requirements and Program of Study: The requirements for matriculation and completion of the program are included in the University’s Graduate Catalog, are detailed in DegreeWorks, and supplemented by any additional materials provided by the graduate program in which you are enrolled. It your responsibility to know these program requirements and to adhere strictly to the program of study in order to ensure timely completion of the program.

Possessing Professional Identity: Enrolling in a graduate program at Georgia Southern means that you are advancing knowledge and your profession. A professional is one that possesses skills, demonstrates competence, displays responsibility, develops cultural and social sensitivity and etiquettes, and adheres to ethical standards.  Professionalism extends beyond the physical presence, but also the virtual, including the various modes of communication (i.e. telephone, email and mail correspondence). The faculty, professional staff, fellow students and employers will be holding you to the strictest and highest level of professionalism.

Developing a Collegial and Professional Network: Your fellow classmates, faculty, and administration at ºÚÁÏÉç are part of your collegial and professional network.  The College of Graduate Studies urges you to develop this network, as it will become a critical resource, which offers you help in your coursework, professional development and personal support.

Upholding a High Standard of Academic and Personal Integrity:  The University expects you to uphold the highest integrity and take ownership of your own work. Intellectual integrity is the hallmark of all educational institutions; and academic dishonesty is one of the most serious offenses that a student can commit. Ignorance is no excuse for academic dishonesty. More information on academic integrity and policies can be found here in the 


Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation

Are you a Georgia Southern graduate student nearing the finish line? We’ve got the information and resources you need to successfully submit your electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD).

Students will find:

  • Clear instructions on uploading your final document
  • Links to helpful resources like the ETD template, ETD manual, and Writing Center
  • Deadlines and important dates

Faculty can access:

  • Instructions for verifying student theses/dissertations
  • Dissertation announcement form

Need additional help?

The College of Graduate Studies is here to assist you. Contact them via email (gradschool@georgiasouthern.edu) or phone (912-478-2647).

A psychology student performs research using a laboratory animal.

Graduate Student Organization (GSO)

The Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is committed to representing and supporting the interests of all current and prospective graduate students at ºÚÁÏÉç and seeks to support scholarly activities as well as promote social opportunities for the development of graduate students. All currently enrolled graduate students are members of the GSO.

The GSO council consists of members from the graduate student body representing all colleges on the University’s campus. The council, the main governing body of the GSO, oversees the administration and awarding of research and travel grants and helps organize social events and professional development opportunities for graduate students.

Logo of the Graduate Student Organization at Georgia Southern.

Ask Jack

What are you looking for? Chances are, whatever it is, you can find it here at the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies website. From academics, to helpful student services to everything you want to know about campus life — plus more than you want to know on a myriad of miscellaneous subjects — it all comes together here.

Visit the. The EagleCard Center is located in the Dining Commons.

Send email to eaglecardoffice@georgiasouthern.edu, make sure to include your complete name, Eagle ID, mailing address, phone number, email and date of birth. Aslo attach a copy of a government issued ID.

Visit the Office of . You can pay with cash, check, credit card, and bank wire.

Visit the .  The University Housing Office can be contacted at (912) 478-5406 or by email, housing@georgiasouthern.edu.

Visit the . The Parking & Transportation Office can be contacted at (912) 478-7275.

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